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Op was 10 months ago,so happy :)

HI Jax, nice to see you are over on that losers bench now :)

I thought you was under St Thomas' and Dr Bothra , did you change along the way, or was I imagining it ! ! ! lol

Lovely to read through your posts and see yours , and others, updates, keep up the good work all of you, hopefully before the year is out I will have joined you too ;)

You're right, I am under Mr.Botha at St.Thomas' but, I got a phone call from the Bariatric co-ordinator to ask if I would consider having my Op ''off site''...which meant I was fast forwarded to The Princess Grace Hospital and Mr.Patel operated on me there.
It all happened so quickly...got the call on the Monday...had Op 5 days later !!!!

Am a tad hungry today but, am on liquids only and am sure once I go onto pureed food, it will stay in my mini-stomach a lot longer !
I have my 1st appointment at St Toms for 1st June, letter said if accepted for surgery there, then to be prepared to have pre-ops done same day, then just a waiting game, but I feel I am on the move now and back on track :) so maybe this year, if not hopefully beginning of next ( trying to sound patient, but not really lol )

Glad you are well on the road to recovery and everything is going so well for you

Sharon x x
Just returned from my doctors. Handed over the paper-work from the hospital, etc. Asked if I could have a certificate for work and he said that 2 weeks should do.
I wanted to ask for more as I work with physically disabled clients and my work is physically testing and I am on my feet most of the day. I also run groups for learning disabled adults.
I know I am not feeling great at the moment, still have pain and nausea and I do feel quite weak...maybe I am being a bit pathetic about it all?
Asked advice on another site and a lady on there said she has done the same work as me and could have returned after 3 days ! Now I feel like a real cry-baby.
Kind words needed at the moment, please.
Just returned from my doctors. Handed over the paper-work from the hospital, etc. Asked if I could have a certificate for work and he said that 2 weeks should do.

My bariatric team also recommend just 2 weeks.

But, what I would say is "fine" -- accept this certificate from your GP for now, and if in 14 days' time you are still not feeling strong enough, just go back and ask for an extension -- "simples" as Aleksandr Orlov would say !!! :8855:
Feeling better today, managed to sleep for a while on the side that is very sore.
Think I had the Post-Op blues a couple of days ago, felt like nobody understood how I felt, etc.

Anyway, feel a lot calmer whilst sipping my banana milkshake !
Lol I've just had a Strawberry one ;)

Gald to hear you're feeling a little better today.

Must admit that I am feeling very tired today for some reason.
For what its worth love, my doc said he'd give me two weeks already and that if I wanted more time he wouldn't hesitate to give me four more. He said I would be surprised at just how much the surgery took out of me and that I would feel like death walking around.

So no, you're not being a baby. 2 weeks is supposed to be someone desk bound - 6 weeks for a physically demanding job. And it is ridiculous you're having to fight for that - you will be putting yourself at risk if you go back too soon.
Thanks Yvessa
To be fair , my GP didn't say I had to go back after 2 weeks but, just gave me one for that amount of time..
My job is physically demanding and we dont take any tea breaks or lunch-breaks away from our client group, so you are on the go all day long.
I also have Fibromyalgia...and the surgery certainly has exacipated that at this stage, for which I was warned would happen.
But, I will see how I feel nearer the time my certificate runs out. I dont go sick from work as a norm as I love my job !
The best thing my boss said to me was don't worry about work. We knew on advance. Everything is planned. Don't come back until you are good and ready!
Can't believe its 2 weeks since my Op.....all seems a distant memory now.
Weight is coming down nicely.....not surprising on soup and milk!
I am still not upto par but, lack of calories may be making me feel weak...still have 2 more weeks on liquids.....just have to get on with it but, can't wait till I can have a little bit of food!
You having 4 weeks on liquids?

I am only on three.

I am feeling very tired today, but I am baming the drive to London and back plus the walk to thr hospital from where I parked.

The itching is driving me mad at the moment.
Oooooh I can sympathise with the itching...I took an antihistamine and it seems to have calmed it all down.

Not surprised you are tired ...it's still early days.

My wounds are looking great....healed up beautifully, still have this nagging pain on my right side when trying to lay down, though its not as bad as it was.
I'm due to go back to work in just over a week but, will hang on till friday to see how I feel...then go back to doctor and ask for more time if I still feel weak.
My job is physically demanding and would need to be up to full strength once I go through those doors.
I work for adults with learning/physical disabilities....some have challenging behaviour,too. I run groups as well and there's a lot of organizing to do on a daily basis....I love my job , feel so lucky to do what I do.
I have to walk to and from work, takes 25 mins each way (no bus route from home to there) and I don't drive, so am still very concerned about returning yet?
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I don't think you're going to be ready to go back to such a demanding job so soon, you wont even be having "proper" food yet. The tiredness can really get to you the first month.
Hi Angie,....
this is my concern but, my GP only signed me off for 2 weeks...was a bit startled when he said that but, was feeling too poorly when I went to see him, to argue!
Its making me quite anxious to think that I will have to go back then, we never have a break through our working day, its always been that way and when I am my 'normal' self, its not a problem.

I know some people on here go back after 2 or 3 weeks but, for the reasons I have already stated, I'm not convinced I will be strong enough...I'm not 25 anymore either !!
Oooooh I can sympathise with the itching...I took an antihistamine and it seems to have calmed it all down.

Not surprised you are tired ...it's still early days.

My wounds are looking great....healed up beautifully, still have this nagging pain on my right side when trying to lay down, though its not as bad as it was.
I'm due to go back to work in just over a week but, will hang on till friday to see how I feel...then go back to doctor and ask for more time if I still feel weak.
My job is physically demanding and would need to be up to full strength once I go through those doors.
I work for adults with learning/physical disabilities....some have challenging behaviour,too. I run groups as well and there's a lot of organizing to do on a daily basis....I love my job , feel so lucky to do what I do.
I have to walk to and from work, takes 25 mins each way (no bus route from home to there) and I don't drive, so am still very concerned about returning yet?

I've got a very similar pain when i lay on my right side, but mine gets unbearable very quickly.

Although Mr patel did say he thought that the incision had an heamatoma under it, but he didn't seem to concerned about it.

I am 100% sure that if you are not ready for work your Dr will give you another sick certificate.
been feeling exhausted all day, but I might have over done it a little yesterday.

Oh and I seem to be suffering dry eyes!

Not something I've suffered from before...
Hi Angie,....
this is my concern but, my GP only signed me off for 2 weeks...was a bit startled when he said that but, was feeling too poorly when I went to see him, to argue!
Its making me quite anxious to think that I will have to go back then, we never have a break through our working day, its always been that way and when I am my 'normal' self, its not a problem.

I know some people on here go back after 2 or 3 weeks but, for the reasons I have already stated, I'm not convinced I will be strong enough...I'm not 25 anymore either !!

I'm positive your doctor will sign you off for another week at least:)
Far as I know gps will only sign you off for two weeks at a time so they can chart your progress. My bf has clinical depression and he only gets two weeks at a time