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The Banders Saturday Weigh In

Yea, foxy lady! (how about a bit of jim morrison for mondays beefcake? just for a change?)

Well done with all your losses, you are doing great.

I will try to take it easy and listen to my tummy and if all else fails im going to get a pair of those mittens to stop me from eating. Might have to ram them in my mouth though, hehe.

Lecia x
Kat I notice on your ticker that I can't click it to open the ticker website window like we can with ours.
Looks like you have a bit of the hyperlink coding missing.
If you make a new one , perhaps and "copy ctrl a" in the code box that appears after creating it. Then paste it into your signature space overwriting the existing code.
Maybe that might do it

Leesh maybe do what some of us are doing and go for calorie counting during the week say 1200 a day, try and get at least a half hour walk in daily and save something yummy for the weekend after weigh in to look forward to xxxx
Well I managed to amend the changes - although I lost the ticker I originally had and liked.....but I forgot how I got it in the first place....gonna bash these grey cells into the wall! Doh!

So I now have a new ticker and I`m pleased to see how the weight is visibly coming off in recent weeks.....as for all the rest of you........

:D You have all had another superbergees week! Well done everyone xxx

Love Kat x
Super duper losses again this week banders - I really have a lot of respect for you, I couldn't handle all the fills and stuff that go with a band so big high fives to you all xxxxxxx
Thanks Angela - can`t beat the support on this forum!

Thanks to Tranquil - for pointing out to me about my half-way mark.....I had`nt even realised!


Sorry about that, a bit excitable! Hav`nt been this low for a good many years!

I know its seems to have come really quickly for me....but then I did`nt have so much to come off as a lot of people.
And I applaud all of you with much larger amounts to lose, because I would find it difficult to have the staying power!

The only reasons I had the surgery was because of my health problems that were getting so much worse as I got older. Both my parents died of heart attacks....could`nt put my family through all that.

And I am already feeling like a new woman. And on April 12th I will be at the 6 month post-op stage.
Lots of reasons to be grateful for my band.....especially having the time to enjoy my granddaughter.

Sorry if I`ve rambled on too much...feeling much more like my old self!

Love Kat x
You are doing so well Kat. it does not matter how much you weighed at the beginning or how much you have to lose - if getting down to a healthy weight was so easy none of us would be here. You decided to take control and now you have the help you need to get where you want to be. It's good to get excited - hell even I get a little excited now just by how my clothes fit better or are getting big - in being able to walk and just feeling a lot better in general. It is hard work but its got to be worth it.

Keep going!

tranquil x
weeble said:
It's lovely to see all the losses. Well done everyone. The support here is fantastic and real help to all of us.

Amen, sister! Xx

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Ive done 1/2 lb this week.

Im glad something has come off, especially as its been my birthday.
It's my Wednesday weigh in tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous about the result. I have struggled this week. My old demons have reared their ugly heads this week, which has been disapointing, I was hoping they were gone. Too soon I suppose.
I went to my first family do (with buffet) on sunday since banded.
It's so hard because I have no restriction at all. I ate too much and had a small slice of cake. Bad Karen :eek:(
I will put a sock in it now and wait untill tomorrow morning. (And say a little prayer to the goddess of scales) xx
Don't worry Karen xxx Whatever happens you have us to get things moving for you. One occasion isn't too bad, and likely you would eat a lot more without your band at all.

Remember, plan for the majority of the week with a decent calorie allowance and don't let yourself get too hungry.
Then once a week it's not going to hurt having a treat.
Have a look on that myfitness pal.com for your current cal limit for your weight & height..I bet it's a lot more than you can eat even with little restriction x