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YES!!! Progress at last!!!!!

Thank you all!!! :):):)
It's 5 weeks today since I was referred ... still counting :rolleyes:
Hi I am getting fed up waiting and I know I should not be at least I have a date for Hope but I have been clothes shopping and I have jumped up two sizes its getting very depressing, if I did not have an appointment lined up I know for sure I would be feeling very depressed instead I just feel depressed.....really trying to not let it get to me......6 weeks since initial referral......:(
Omg I don't know what to do!!
The Dr's surgery just rang & said they had had my referral sent back & I have to attend a weight management clinic as it's now compulsory!! I don't think I can do that as I have agoraphobia & panic attacks amongst other things, my hubby has just made an appointment to see the dr to discuss this for me & managed to get in straight away so is there right now & I am on pins & feel so sick!
What if the dr can't do anything more? oh what a horrible day this has turned out to be :(
Oh Im so sorry Hunny............

Lets hope the dr will be able to help with this, they should be able tooo...... fingers crossed hubby will get get it sorted for you.........
may not turn out to be as horrible as you think! wait and see what hubby has to say first. fingers crossed x
Omg I don't know what to do!!
The Dr's surgery just rang & said they had had my referral sent back & I have to attend a weight management clinic as it's now compulsory!! I don't think I can do that as I have agoraphobia & panic attacks amongst other things, my hubby has just made an appointment to see the dr to discuss this for me & managed to get in straight away so is there right now & I am on pins & feel so sick!
What if the dr can't do anything more? oh what a horrible day this has turned out to be :(

Hi VC Please do not worry, a similar thing happened to me but it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. I have not yet had my referral returned from the PCT BUT I am expecting it to be. I spoke to the lady at the PCT and she said they normally request you attend Bariatric Clinic (weight management) at Hope or Aintree for a few months first to see if they can help in another way, if they cannot they then contact the PCT for funding for banding or whatever they recommend you need. Some people get told on the first or second visit there that they will get the banding or whatever they require and there is no need to attend for any longer. If this is the case you must try and attend, its not like going to a slimming class trust me......I know its crap...I too am having a day from hell today and have been in tears but you must not give up. You will get your chance at the clinic to give your side of the story as if you were sitting in front of the PCT panel tell them exactly how you feel its your chance to argue your case......Linda x ((hugs))
Heya, I had to attend Lifestyle and Weight Management as it is compulsory in my area. They asked me to attend a group, and I said no, as I have issues of competitiveness in group settings, so I attended one-to-one for 1 year. I was put on the British Heart Foundation diet for that time, and gained about 5 kgs :D

After the first 3 months, I was transferred over to the Bariatric co-ordinator, and had to go through months of 'education' around food (portion sizes, reading labels, looking at eating triggers etc). Although it was a long winded process, I found it did help as I started eating 3 meals a day and stopped picking all evening.

I guess what I'm trying to say is some PCTs insist on it, and you need to look at it as a tool and a step, not a hinderance. Be clear with them that you want Bariatric surgery (my gp neglected to mention it to them and the first 6 months they didn't realise that was my goal).

Good luck x
Thanks girls for all being there & your kind support (if I ever needed it - it was today)
Hubby came back from drs & said the dr was annoyed that it wasn't me who went & that they can't bring the operating theatre to me! I am devastated as how could I go in 15 minutes flat? I have to psyche myself up for days before I can manage to get out of the door :(
Then the dr said he had had his knuckles wrapped for not referring me properly & gave my hubby the letter he had received which he brought home & says:
"Thank you for your recent referral. we have agreed a patient pathway with Leeds PCT & as part of that all referrals for obesity surgery should go via the weight management service.
I am returning your referral & would be grateful if you could direct it to the weight management service. I apologise for any inconvenience caused."

It has taken 5 weeks & 1 day for this!! I can't believe it & just don't know what to do - even hubby is in tears let alone me! Poor fella tried his best & I am so grateful to him.
So heaven knows what will happen now.
Hi vol,
I'm so sorry things aren't turning out too well at the moment but they haven't said no and as Mandy says it's all part of the process to getting your op,(which is easy for me to say as I have a date for my FTT)You may find that when you get to your weight management center that the dietician might say that their program would not work for you and she/he might refer back to the PCT straight away.
I really hope things start moving fast for you.
Take care
Trina xxxx
Hiya... :)

I've just read your post and am sorry to hear that things are not moving very fast.

However, I agree with Trina and Mandy... this is just another hurdle and it sounds as if this is the protocal for your PCT... finger's crossed that the Dieticians see your situation and recommend you for a GB asap.

Fingers crossed for you...

Ollie x
Hiya... :)

I've just read your post and am sorry to hear that things are not moving very fast.

However, I agree with Trina and Mandy... this is just another hurdle and it sounds as if this is the protocal for your PCT... finger's crossed that the Dieticians see your situation and recommend you for a GB asap.

Fingers crossed for you...

Ollie x

I live in the Lancashire area and my referral was sent off on 18 June but has not been returned as yet, I have requested myself to be referred to the bariatric clinic and have an appointment in three weeks. Do you think my referral to the PCT would have been returned as VC's had if it was compulsory or am I just clutching at straws......feeling very down now myself so VC your not on your own....Linda :(
Heya, I had to attend Lifestyle and Weight Management as it is compulsory in my area. They asked me to attend a group, and I said no, as I have issues of competitiveness in group settings, so I attended one-to-one for 1 year. I was put on the British Heart Foundation diet for that time, and gained about 5 kgs :D

After the first 3 months, I was transferred over to the Bariatric co-ordinator, and had to go through months of 'education' around food (portion sizes, reading labels, looking at eating triggers etc). Although it was a long winded process, I found it did help as I started eating 3 meals a day and stopped picking all evening.

I guess what I'm trying to say is some PCTs insist on it, and you need to look at it as a tool and a step, not a hinderance. Be clear with them that you want Bariatric surgery (my gp neglected to mention it to them and the first 6 months they didn't realise that was my goal).

Good luck x

Shellbell was the weight management at a bariatric clinic? I have asked to be referred to one.....Linda x
Hey Linda,

No it wasn't, it started in a hired room in a fire station and ended in a general consulting room in a hospital. It was a stand alone service.


Hey Linda,

No it wasn't, it started in a hired room in a fire station and ended in a general consulting room in a hospital. It was a stand alone service.



Thanks shell it does help greatly. I am clutching at so many straws! I have attended classes where they discuss portion size, when to realise your full etc and had one to one with dieticians. They even gave me a make over (I dont wear make up) and a good talking too about my good points, but I have put on nearly three stone since following their advice. I know a lot of us, well really all of us on here have felt the highs and lows that I am feeling, its a horrible horrible rollercoaster ride and I am so scared that I will poor my heart out and they will still suggest a calorie controlled diet. They do not work for me because I never feel full. Been to a friends in wigan today (about 40 mins drive away) we chatted about our holiday on monday and I returned some too small clothing to matalan and got home at about 6.45 but I had had nothing to eat since breakfast and I felt a sickly headache coming on and I was starving. I pick up clothes that look massive and get them home and they dont fit and it destroys me I would stop buying clothing but I have only got pjyamas that fit.....going to watch trinny and suzanna tonight they are dealing with women size 16 and above.....and to think I moan when I was a size 16......please tell me there is hope! Linda x

P/s hope your doing well, not read many posts as I am scared I will see something that sets me off on the paranoia trail....
I'm good thanks, feeling really well (honestly - no pain killers since day 3).

I understand about the clothes, I hate shopping on the high street and tend to shop from the likes of simply be which costs me a fortune!
I'm good thanks, feeling really well (honestly - no pain killers since day 3).

I understand about the clothes, I hate shopping on the high street and tend to shop from the likes of simply be which costs me a fortune!

Its good to hear that you have no pain thats something to look forward to! I too shop from Simply be and I agree it is expensive, everything that is a little bit different is always around £50 and I cannot afford that for one top. I have ordered things from the Next sale but they take forever to come. Just queried with simply be why my next day order that they charged me £6.95 for have not arrived today! They said it should be here by tomorrow and have said they will refund the postage....I have to fight for everything. I know a lot of my mood is down to time of the month I sink to rock bottom life is tough at times....Linda x
I wouldn't worry about your ref' too much - I first went to my Doc in September last year and didn't hear anything until March this year!!!

I hope you get your referral through soon... as do I hope the same for you, VC *hugs*
