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Anyone under Luton & Dunstable hopsital

Hi Toni, am doing ok, had quarn sausage mash and carrot liquidised of course, making cottage pie tomorrow, all going well have about 100g at a time, how are you doing?
Thats great weight loss well done , and have you found it hard at any time ??? Keep it up the pair of you , I havent got any scales so going to leave my first weighin untill I go back to see Clinic ............great news tho ......you must both be soooooo happy
Hey, I've not really been measuring just not putting a lot in my bowl and only eating till I'm full. I've been having scrambled egg with either beans or chopped tinned tomatoes or mash with beans. Tonight I'm attempting spaghetti bol blended of course I hope it's nice lol I tried cauliflower and carrots liquified with cheese sauce today and it was disgusting I won't be having that again! I'm really craving foods though just want to be able to chew properly and want sweet stuff :-( it's all a mental battle. I bought some big soups today (chunky veg and a chicken and veg one) that I thought I could blend down and try just hope they go down ok. I'm still struggling trying new things it scares me xx
That should be fine, its all about trying new things, i am making cottage pie tonight, i know what you mean about chewing though.
I had a nice mushroom soup with milk the other day (one of the condensed ones)... also tried SF custard, LF yoghurt drinks.... its nice to have something different than the milk I was having pre op.... lol... I feel blessed!! Hahaha..

I really like the idea of mash and gravy at the moment... think I need more salt as its salty things Im craving... so will try to have bovril drinks again... I think I can try mash in about 5 days!!

Ive got my brothers 30th birthday party today and I wont even be able to order a diet coke at the bar lol... does anyone have any ideas on what I can drink out??... would I be able to have one orange juice or should I stick to water or squash type drinks... I might just take some flavoured water with me....

Also Im meeting a friend for dinner on May 4th in London and Ive checked restaurants out as she is on gluten free diet and Ill be in a pureed/soup diet.. so I was thinking there is one place that does a nice arabic lentil soup (and has a few gluten free options) and Ill go there as close to friends hotel. Dont want to have to get on tube with tummy as it is - as im really protective of it (still tender)... yesterday I managed all day with just some paracetamol so thats better.

Ive stopped weighing myself. I purchased some bariatric scales what do bmi, water, fat, muscle etc for when i was on milk diet...they are useless and tempremental... they seem to weigh me heavier than mums and luton hospital scales. Also i can get on and off then back on and weight can vary by 5-6 lb. Decided for 70 quid the shop can have them back as basically they dont do what it says on the tin. Just not been to town to take them back.

I dont care about just weight at the moment scales can fry lol.... my clothes are all lose and im feeling soooooo healthy. My blood sugars are perfect, I have no fluid retention in my legs, my blood pressure is normal.. Ive already been able to stop some meds... I know this is not just surgery as some of it was 6 weeks Ibwas on milk diet pre op but ive lost over 3 stone altogether and its really making a difference to my life already... I really dont know post op loss but think its at least half a stone....

I hope everyone is starting to see some true health differences... take care and keep us updated!! Love hearing the good news, you all really inspire me :D
It is great to hear everyone's progress. I am doing well, had no problems yet. Keeping food down, sometimes wonder if I eat too much at once, I suppose it's all a learning curve, or am I a bit scared that I might stretch the pouch.

When I left hospital I had put on a kilo, the next day I lost it and then put it on again (that was last Sunday), since then I have lost nearly 5 kilos (10.3lbs). I don't feel hungry at all, I haven 't had that urge to eat as I did before, I hope that has gone for good. I have to keep reminding myself that it's time to have something. Started my vitamins etc. today. Have had to take the senna tablets, did take some lactulose, but way too sweet for me. Always been troubled with IBS, so to be the opposite is strange for me. Have been out shopping - nice to get out, but struggled with the waist band on my trousers and can't wear a bra yet.

Keep up to good work everyone. My God it's a bit of a squeeze on this losers bench, but not for much longer I hope.
Hey everyone!!

So today is the actual start to a happier me!! My pain is subsiding!! My brusing is getting slowly better and after my haematoma had a huge leak there is so much less pressure on my ribs!

I'm feeling pretty great and I even managed to go to asda last night to get stage three foods! Sausages and chicken all quorn of course!! Protein! Protein! Protein!.

Ive had a few cravings, mainly savoury. Mac Donald's cheese burger haunted me for a while but that was for old fatty Claudia and new Claudia is stronger than that!!

I have remarkably lost 19lbs since surgery! 12 days ago and I'm in shock! I'm taking all my meds and vits, eating and getting most of my water in.

I'm so glad everyone is doing so so well on the losers bench, we will all be healthier and skinner people come this summer!! Watch this space and well done everyone xxxxx
Hi, i am doing well, am begining to cook a bit more from scratch, and liquidise of course, will start on mashed food in the next couple of weeks.
Just bought an adult Tricycle to get more exercise, i kept falling off a two wheeler.
When is your follow up appointment?
Hi everyone,
I'm 15 weeks out and 50lb down got my 3 month check up at L&D Thursday, I can eat anything now in moderation, struggle with bread and chicken tho! Hope your all ok xx

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Hello all , 3 weeks post Op today and must say im really struggling , virtually no energy , interest in doing anything , not sleeping at night , and now struggling to even swallow any medication I have ...........I knew it wasnt going to be easy but all im thinking now is I wish I hadnt had it done !!!!! Did anyone else go thru this and come out the other side ok ............was 100% comitted before Op but wish I could turn the clock back !!!!!
After having all my on going complications I regretted it and felt like a failure it had gone this far because I couldn't curb my eating.
But now I'm coming around to things now I'm eating mashed foods. Plus the cravings for a cheeseburgers stopped lol x
Oh fatbloke you will be ok. If u want me to come over for a chat I will. Started driving yesterday. Dr has said I can return to work Tuesday. I have just has my first meal it was a tesco value mince and onion and tesco fresh mash. It looked like cheap cat food. It was not nice but had good protein. Only had about 10 teaspoons felt like I could had more but now 5 minutes later I now feel full, poor boyfriend has to eat my leftovers . Can't stand milk or sweet things e.g activia yoghurt, slim fat, Sky protein. Made scrambled egg at lunch normally use 4 eggs. This time 1 egg and I added far to much milk so that went in the bin, the milk smell was too much.put me off eating.xx