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Gastric band, My journey, the thruth, the whole thruth and nothing but the thruth

I am finding this liquid stage sooo hard now, I have not got any fill in my band, and just want to taste food so much, i have even been sucking Pringles to give me a different taste. Roll on bloody 7 days!!!!!!!!!
stick with it...the end is nigh!! you will so appreciate the solids in a way like you never have before when you get there! I mastered mulching walkers baked crisps...healthier than Pringles lol :) x
No was not too injured just bruises. But as I felt flat on my front I can feel an inside pain just underneath my biggest scar and I can feel it when I bend over just like felt straight after surgery... might ring them just to check. Joey telling my family is a no go zone.... whatsoever they really really don't understand the daily struggle and will understand even less why I had it done. They would call me stupid, foolish etc... don't need my Xmas ruined :(. Families r a complicated thing!
I unfortunately had to ditch my mum n dad this year due to interference. It's sad but you know what, we are old enough to do what we want with our lives! x
aww never i was lucky my mam n dad didnt like it but they supported me, i had a 10ml band n had nothing in it at time of surgery, they put 3ml in first time and said they will go up 1 ml at a time x
Quick catch up with my diary. Last week was the first week I did not loose any weight. BUT i did not put any on either so I can't complained... I am really struggling now. I guess I am at a point where, well I have been really good for 3 months, that's enough now... Plus I am back on solid food now and portion have increased, nearly back to normal portion. But I am back to eating without feeling hungry, I am eating just because it is there. Sometimes I am not even really enjoying it but it is because it is there and I still don't have the willpower to say no I don't need it, I don't really need it. So feel a bit beaten down, have i wasted my money? Only time will tell I guess. I am also wondering (lie hoping really) it is TOTM and it is why I am feeling defeated and I will soon bounce back and feel in control of my life. Work is the worse place to be because it is always someone's birthday (so bring cakes) or baking for a charity (so baked and bring some cakes) or we are celebrating something and guess what there is no better way to celebrate than with a box of celebration right!!! Hell plus I am not really enjoying work so snack to make the day better, maybe even goes faster... I am not sure. But then everything else (apart from food still controling my life) is good, so really much prefered having a crappy job than a crappy life... So starting thinking about new years resolution... I want to be running and prove to my OH I can run. I want and really really hoping food will no longer rule my life but that I will be running my life... I also going to take up swimming. I always enjoy the feeling of it afterwards and hopefully will sleep better at night! So i really really hope i can do it am just still not convince I can but if I can't believe in me no one else will so chin up girl and keep going! :)
Ok I m watching biggest looser Australia and crying my eyes out it must be TOTM very soon....
Awwwww... bloomin' hormones! You'll get there.... don't lose the faith! It's a long haul that's all. Tomorrow you have to chase all that gloominess away & go swimming! And at work, hide the goodies because out of sight, is definitely out of mind. Xx
Hi Hun think you will feel better wen you have had your fill, if it makes you feel better I have laid in bed and had Pringles and sucked on a piece of chocolate... Need to exercise myself, you are doing well Hun, don't forget you would have ad your fill by now, think we will be ok after a fill, hope you feel better soon, big hug xxxx
Thanks Mrs pill and sue. Need some sleep and hope tomorrow ll be a better day. Thanks again for the support x
chin up mis, we all have down days, my weight loss have slowed right down, and if kids have choc then i pick too, once u start having fills all will b fine u'll c xxx
Thanks joey, I hope so xxx
I need my fill soon cause I am going backwards, I have no restriction at the min and I am going backwards drastically!!!! I am doing well in the day but night time I am eating rubbish my old habits!!! Pringles and chocolate.... I am only 3 weeks post op for god sake I feel I have wasted my money cause I couldn't do longer than 3 weeks on a diet x
Stop buying them!!! If you haven't got them in, you're rid of temptation!!! x
suebland said:
I need my fill soon cause I am going backwards, I have no restriction at the min and I am going backwards drastically!!!! I am doing well in the day but night time I am eating rubbish my old habits!!! Pringles and chocolate.... I am only 3 weeks post op for god sake I feel I have wasted my money cause I couldn't do longer than 3 weeks on a diet x

Hi Sue, I am 3.5 weeks post op and have eaten stuffed pasta in sauce twice! I thought this was s soft food but was told yesterday by someone on here that I should not be eating pasta at all! Now I'm getting stressed thinking there are probably a few other things that I possibly should not have eaten at this stage and I really hope I haven't stretched my stomach or anything. I can eat pretty big portions but I started counting my weight watchers points again 3 days ago and my weight loss is going back in the right direction thank god!
I really hope I get to the point where I have as much determination as some of the other people on here because after the liquid stage I just felt like I wanted to eat so much... But like I said, hopefully I'm back on track now.
Also looking forward to my first fill. Xx
Sophie the hospital group booklet says soft pasta with tomato sauce as a meal suggestion, I know how you are feeling Hun, I am feeling the same, hungry and I can eat everythin. Wen is your fill Sophie? X
If it helps use my fitness pal to log your food, there's quite a few of us from here using it...you can set your daily calories etc but more importantly track every bit that you eat....including Pringles!! Xx
My first fill is not until January unfortunately because there is no one coming to London in December (WLS Group) so I have to try and keep my will power going til then.
I've for the Weight Watchers app on my phone where I can track everything I eat, it's pretty good. Will have to have a look at that fitness pal thing though cos I've heard a lot of people say it's good. Xx
I'm with wls group too! At least on my fitness pal we can view each others diaries etc to support but maybe the ww one does the same job x