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My Journey....

No I haven't I'll have to check it out x

Its opened my eyes I tell you..he says we should only eat 2 meals a day and no other snacks etc...that might be Ok when we are in green zone .. :/
Good morning
Off to pick up leaves in the garden might even burn up some calories doing it :)

Still feeling fine..
I have changed breakfast from the sachet of oats so simple to organic porridge oats, wow, so much more filling Im almost afraid to calorie it up on Myfitnesspal..but I will :)
I add just a few sultanas to add a little sweetness and I love it so I hope the cals are not too high :/

Val, they aren't easy to get hold of and you can buy them online, but steel cut oats rather than the rolled oats are something that's been suggested to me with regards to being much more filling due to their contents and more if the whole grain. Maybe worth giving it a go if porridge is your thing

I've detested porridge all if my life, but had some last week as I had oats here after making my energy breakfast bars lol and now I've had it almost everyday lol I add chopped nuts, dried fruit and sweeten with a bit of syrup or honey.

I have found it's helped with the hunger a little more and this is why I've changed my focus from 70/70 over to filling and healthy things because I have no restriction and because after 15 months of not having it, I've found I need a break and to stop feeling the hunger feelings. I've also stopped calorie counting, but since I changed 10 days ago, I've also lost almost 6lbs.....

I know that I've not reached the green spot, but I'm also well aware that I may not do so, or that if I reach a place in terms of restriction that it may still not stop the hunger due to the production of grehlin which the band does not stop or prevent and in which case no amount if fill in the band can change that.


Just to let you all know if you had not noticed changed my user name to my real name...Val :)
Val, they aren't easy to get hold of and you can buy them online, but steel cut oats rather than the rolled oats are something that's been suggested to me with regards to being much more filling due to their contents and more if the whole grain. Maybe worth giving it a go if porridge is your thing

I've detested porridge all if my life, but had some last week as I had oats here after making my energy breakfast bars lol and now I've had it almost everyday lol I add chopped nuts, dried fruit and sweeten with a bit of syrup or honey.

I have found it's helped with the hunger a little more and this is why I've changed my focus from 70/70 over to filling and healthy things because I have no restriction and because after 15 months of not having it, I've found I need a break and to stop feeling the hunger feelings. I've also stopped calorie counting, but since I changed 10 days ago, I've also lost almost 6lbs.....

I know that I've not reached the green spot, but I'm also well aware that I may not do so, or that if I reach a place in terms of restriction that it may still not stop the hunger due to the production of grehlin which the band does not stop or prevent and in which case no amount if fill in the band can change that.


Oh My goodness..that loss is great TK!!!

interesting I may search for them online as I want to do this journey correctly and healthy
You must spend ages researching WL.. :)

That YouTube Doctor I mentioned in another thread really opened my eyes have you watched it TK ?
Paul O'Brian
8 Golden Rules
8 Golden Rules for Lap Band Success by Dr. O'Brien - YouTube
Oh My goodness..that loss is great TK!!!

interesting I may search for them online as I want to do this journey correctly and healthy
You must spend ages researching WL.. :)

That YouTube Doctor I mentioned in another thread really opened my eyes have you watched it TK ?
Paul O'Brian
8 Golden Rules
8 Golden Rules for Lap Band Success by Dr. O'Brien - YouTube

Yes, but check out that thread as someone has posted a link to an article I was going to share with you - there's huge criticism over what O'brien says about the quantities etc. While he is right in terms of the zones with the bands and about the hunger etc, you need to go on the guidelines from your providers with regards to portion sizes etc.

I've spent huge amounts of time trying to find things that would work for me with my band, initially to lose the weight, and to keep that loss going, but more so for me personally, because I had so many issues in terms of eating that I needed to get my head into a place and not just eating. As such, I wanted to approach what is a new life, with such a balance in eating, one which is healthy. But because I've not found restriction with my band (apart from my month of over restriction) and because I am starting to accept that even if I find a right level of restriction that I maybe one of these people that it doesn't take the hunger away from, I'm needing to find things that work for me, to be balanced healthy food wise, so I feel healthier but also that works with the band as much as my band allows.

But I'm not a breakfast person, and as such don't normally eat until lunchtime or later, but these past 2 weeks I've eaten breakfasts most days - some days its only been the energy bars, the past 4 or 5 days its been porridge and in terms of keeping the hunger at bay, it has helped immensely. And I am then finding that the portions over the rest of the day are smaller because its a filling food. Whereas before I wouldn't have eaten it as it was a HUGE carb containing food and because the focus was on protein so wouldn't have touched it. And while such protein focus has helped me to lose the weight, those foods haven't helped me in terms of limiting what I eat or more so, helping with the hunger issues whereas at the moment and with this change in diet and what I'm eating, it has turned it around. :)

It will happen Val . . .hang in there :)

Steel cut oats aren't easy to find - you can get them on Amazon tho :) they are often sold as Irish Oats (sometimes Scottish) although when I looked around shops around here, even the Scottish ones here were rolled oats lol The people in the shop looked at me as if I were mad. Don't know if they can be found in health food shops as I've not ventured near one yet!

Thank you for yet another great reply TK
I can always count on you to fill in the gaps and answer my questions
Your a star!!!!!!!
Walking this cold and frosty morning with my Grandchildren

Really good day today
Organic Porridge oats
Homemade Chicken broth with pieces of chicken in
Small tin of mackerel ..weird luch but I enjoyed it, lol
Turkey sausage
Scrambled Eggs
I love the photo!xxx
Lovely photo Val, they are too cute! You look all snuggly, and you really don't look overweight at all!!

Are you sure you need band? ;)
Lovely photo Val, they are too cute! You look all snuggly, and you really don't look overweight at all!!

Are you sure you need band? ;)

lol...thank you my friend..but the scales say I do..xxxxxx
So Today

Organic oats with a few sultanas

Fresh Salmon Fillet on a bed of watercress

Dinner tonight is
Organic chicken with asst veg :)
That's a lovely photo Val x

Thank you Sarah
I don't like having my photo taken but with the Grandchildren I don't seem to care :)