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Slimpip's Sleeve Jan'14

OMG! I am SOOO proud of you!!! :D And so excited for you too! Can't wait to hear your news and your pics look amazing! Well done Lovely! :)
Thanks Jenna!!! XXX
That is soooo fantastic and you look amazing. Not sure I'm quite ready to share pics of me in my knickers - don't want to even look at myself in my knickers!
Amazing. Well done you xxx
Beautiful pip well done and congrats on the starting a family front
Wowee pip you have done amazing! 8 stone is no mean feat! Crack on with the nookie and you'll be preggers in no time. Just don't put any pressure on yourselves x enjoy x
No pressure allowed hunny don't worry. I'm feeling quite chilled about it all. I decided to be honest and email my surgical team about TTC, as obviously it's earlier than planned. They are fine about it and I got a weird little thrill when they said that my BMI as it is, the regular dose of folic acid found in pregnacare vitamins will be enough (if BMI over 30 you are advised to have a higher dose)...how stupid, but made me smille lol. Anyway I'm really pleased they are ok with it, not that it would have made a difference lol.

Thanks again for the lovely comments, does everyone think my new targets are ok? Unless I get pregnant of course, then I won't be thinking of losing weight at all :) xx
they are fine targets and perfectly doable
Hi pip,

Wow well over the last few days I have read your whole diary!!

I was sleeved on 30/10. I started off at 22.5 pre op and I am now 20.8 which is great and I know I am doing well. Reading your diary has given me so much inspiration! We are very similar it seems, down to eating habits to even working in the care industry! The whole way through I kept thinking is that me!

I really hope that I reach my goal too! And it doesn't take too long!

Will continue to follow your journey and by the way you're looking fab!


Binky x
Oooh hey Binky, thanks lovey!! So nice to have you reading my diary. Please do tell me all about you, how have you found the experience so far, highs, lows etc? What element of the care industry do you work in? x
That's quite alright! It has been very interesting!

I am 15 days out.. It's been ok I guess.. A lot of nausea at the start.. And weird tummy sensations. Now I can only eat what I call small amounts.. But I have no idea if that is too much in comparison to others! I am struggling to drink enough daily and feel I am constantly thirsty ooh what I wouldn't do right now to gulp down a nice glass of cold coke!

I am freaking out about how many calories I should be having etc.. But haven't been counting that's one aim of this surgery for me to stop the fad diets, the obsession around food and reading your diary I have found that your relaxed attitude to it all seems to have worked so maybe I just need to simply chill!

My job is stressful I am a team manager for people with challenging behaviour, learning disabilities and autism.. Because of this I am having 4 weeks off. I'm loving the breAk but am still working from home! It never stops! I just want to be 100 % healed before going back as I work hands on too.

I just want to skip to the future know what weight I will be and how I will look etc!!

Hope you're doing ok x
Hey sorry Binky that I didn't reply earlier, been a crazy week. I took 5 weeks off hun, I was so ridiculously tired, not in any pain, but just down right exhausted, please don't rush to go back. You'll know when you're ready.
Also, if you like rules and things then my diary probably hasn't done you any favours lol as I'm rubbish at sticking to them. I am very relaxed about the whole thing, although if you look in sections like 'tough love' they would have my guts for garters. Everyone has their own opinion as how to live with this surgery...I've found happiness in how I've 'managed' it.

I used to work with kids with BESD...hardest job I've ever done in many ways. Hats off to you chicken :)

No loss this week, not surprised, TOM this week and a tad more chocolate than I meant to consume haha. Monthly cravings are a KILLER. XXXX
Only a 1lb loss this week but better than nothing I suppose. No excuses for it, gone a bit off the boil with my eating...but determined to get back on track. What I love about this surgery is that a bad week now is nothing at all like a bad week before and usually the worst I can do is stay the same, which I'm happy with. Less than 2st to go now (by 1 lb lol) and in 1lb's time I'll be 199lbs so out of the 200's. That's pretty cool.

I'm training today so busy busy, speak later all you lovely ladies xxx
Hi there. Don't know if you remember me but we started our journey about the same time at the same weight! I am now 14stone 9lbs and also about 2 stone off target! Makes me feel good to know we've lost at about the same rate! Weight loss has slowed right down now and lucky to loose a lb a week but then again, I have let treats back in especially wine!


Have sent a photo to show progress. I'm starting to fit into a size 16 but comfortable in an 18. How bout you?

Sent from my iPad using WLSurgery
Hey Sharie, yes of course I remember!!!

I can't believe how similar we are. Yeah i'm a 16/18 depending on shop/fit etc. I have definitely let the treats sneak in, it's snacky things for me, as grazing is still possible lol. People think this is a magic wand but all the same issues are there, and it takes a huge amount of will power to fight those same urges that made you fat.

You look wonderful!! Well done you, which in turns means well done me lol!! Yey xxx