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February 2015 Surgeries

Hey Feb oppers... How're you all doing? Had some more tests today. Stress MPI as prescribed by the cardiologist.. It's a nuclear scan...
Heart seems to be ticking Ok. All normal. Collected my blood test results too and all normal.. Only SGOT value is 45 (normal range is upto 40.) Does anyone know the implications?
Starting with liquids tomorrow onwards... One week to go. Yet to get clearances from Cardiologist, Pulmonary specialist, endocrinology specialist and last but not the least... Anesthetist. Meeting up with cardiologist and pulmonary specialist on Friday.. Endocrine on Friday / Saturday.
Tests still pending are... Blood - HBA1C, T3/T4/TSH and Serum Cortisol... Scheduled 5 Feb
Lungs - Pulmonary Function Test.. Scheduled 6 Feb.
Seen my surgeon today to review my recovery since having my band out in December. He has confirmed that my bypass is going ahead on 19th! Feeling relieved, happy and scared all at the same time!
Oh my lord..panicking now. Had endoscopy yesterday and was told I'll be put on the waiting list. Got a call this morning surgery on 7 Feb, can't stop shaking

Hi Panda bear
congratulations on the date for your surgery? I am waiting for a decision from my MDT meeting at Sunderland. How long did you wait after you were discussed at MDT? Good luck, Jackie x
Congrats Moo hope you have a speedy recovery x
I've got just over a week to go to band-time. Lost a stone on LSD! Keep reminding myself that it's not the losing it, it's the keeping it off that's the hard bit and that's why I'm getting the band...
Hey Lynn... Long time... 7 days to go... Waiting at the clinic for giving blood sample for thyroid, serum Cortisol and HBA1C. All other tests normal so far. How're you doing? Hope I get clearances from the cardiologist, pulmonary specialist and anesthetist.. Praying to get the op done on time and keeping my fingers crossed for the 12th
Hey Lynn... Long time... 7 days to go... Waiting at the clinic for giving blood sample for thyroid, serum Cortisol and HBA1C. All other tests normal so far. How're you doing? Hope I get clearances from the cardiologist, pulmonary specialist and anesthetist.. Praying to get the op done on time and keeping my fingers crossed for the 12th

Omg yes just realised a week today we will be at the hospital! Maybe even going down to theatre !!!!
10th Feb

My band is getting very close now. I'm with the THG at Dolan Park. Does anyone know when I should hear from them and the driver they have arranged? X
Hiya. U normally hear from Dolan park 24/48hrs before your op. Good luck. I had mine down with them, they were fab x
Hey all... Today's update....
Cleared by cardiologist for the surgery.. Apparently the heart is in good shape.
Pulmonary and endocrine reviews tomorrow.
Blood reports for endocrine awaited later today
Thanks Trish... Your predictions true so far. Just received endocrine reports (T3/T4/TSH, Serum Cortisol, and HBA1C... ) . All within limits... Yay...!! :)
Day 1 of liquids successfully completed. Lots of water, some coconut water, milk and clear soup.