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Lovelyzobo's second go! Revision diary..

Sooooo, fill day tomorrow......I have 6.5mls so far in my 10ml band.....debating what to have next?? I have not a lot of restriction, getting hungry far quicker, but I also don't eat very 'big' meals, for example 2 ryvita and cottage cheese, half a jacket with cheese, sort of quantity.....but also, I'm not loosing weight!!!!

So, feel a little catch 22......not loosing but also not eating huge portions?!! Urgghhhhhhh! This is all so hard, didn't expect this to be so difficult to be honest!

Xxx xxx
So, weighed this morning and lost another 2lb. Weighing once a week is soooooo much better, I might have a sneaky peak occasionally but don't take it seriously, as always think I might need a poo, or period due or some other excuse.......once a week is the way forward! Ooopsie I listened to you!

So, fill day today, just realised it was only 3 weeks since my last one, which I didn't realise.....thought they only did it monthly so presumed it was a month since my last one!

So, when looking at weight loss it's actually 4lb in 3 weeks, which I guess is ok. Will see what my nurse filling me today, suggests, but I thought maybe 0.5ml taking me to 7.0ml........what do folk think?! I really have nooooooo idea!

Well done. I'm still a daily weigher lol. Ye I would have just a little fill at a time as don't wana be too tight. See what they suggest . good luck x
Soooo agree ooopsie, yep I'll have another 3mls, chuck it in.....but common sense did prevail!

Fill lady said how about 1ml, I said half, so we went with 0.75! Really happy with that, as I know I have to be sensible and realistic! (Said through gritted teeth!).

So, here we go. See how things pan out in the next 4 weeks! Xx
Oh, and on my weigh in, I had lost the same, which is always good when your scales agree! So 4lb lost since last fill 3 weeks ago.

Made another appointment just so I have one, in case I need anymore in or out!

It does make me realise how lucky I am with the fills, as so far, never been an issue with booking my next fill and it's always every month.

Oh my.....I have eaten complete rubbish today......no idea why, just picked anything an everything.....my head needs to catch up with my new band fill!

All over it tomorrow.....determined to loose something this week, seeing as after my last fill I stayed the same for two weeks!

Onwards and downwards! Xx
Deal! 2lb for Friday! All over it! Xxx
Although being a complete greedy head..(old habits!) if I got 3lb off......that would be 2 stone!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Xxx
Yep, past two days have been better.....so strange tho, as Sunday, ate like a horse, and crap......Monday BAM struggled with yogurt! Left it for quite a few hours then managed some proper stuff (chicken and ryvita) but it was really odd!

Definitely got restriction, not sure if it's the 'sweet spot' as may be over filled....but I know how things can change, so will wait until my next appointment, unless I struggle with the basics. Think I'm doing ok with food at the mo.....

Brekkie/first thing: big mug of tea 1 rich tea.
Brekkie: yogurt, 1/2 banana, spoon of granola.
Lunch: 1 ryvita, sandwich spread, big spoon egg mayo, few prawns.
Tea: horlicks light.
Supper: 1/2 jacket, cheese, pickle.

Think that's ok!

Thank you for your messages. Xxxx xxx
Ooooh weigh in day tomorrow!! Just realised I can't do maths.....said I would love love love to be greedy and get 3lb off to mate it half a stone......Mmmmm 6lb minus 3lb doesn't equal me getting to 15.2lb!!! I need a Brucey bonus for that! Arse!!!!!!

Sooooo I am just hoping and praying for the greedy 3lb, but will be happy (ish!) with 2lb.........see you all tomorrow! Xxx xx