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The Raw Truth from the start

Doing well today.
weetabix for breakfast,two egg omelet for lunch and 30 mins on the treadmill.Feeling really good.
For my tea I had sweed and carrots mashed together mash pots and a small amount of crushed pasrty .lovely.
Pleased you are feeling better. It feels good doesn't it! :D onwards and downwards!
mimi42 said:
Doing well today.
weetabix for breakfast,two egg omelet for lunch and 30 mins on the treadmill.Feeling really good.

Well done :)
Well I had fish pie for my tea last night and nearly finished the lot lol.
I have my appointment for my first fill August 17th.starting to think I might need it by then.
7th August is my appointment .
I'm off to London for the day tomorrow and I'm still on soft food so probably going to struggle for things to eat out.
But looking forward to spending the day with my kids,were off to the history museum and science museum and going down on the train.hope the weather stays good.
Been to London baby to History museum and science museum.
Had a great day just me and my kids,we walked miles.
Had 3 chicken nuggets really really chewed up but still worried about it so drank lots water to wash them down .
Very tired glad were on our way home but still feel ok hope all this walking has lost me a few pounds I seem to be fluctuating a bit this week.
Had a good day yesterday .
Any ideas for things to eat now I'm on sloppies got fish pie again tonight .
Well I had fish pie and a small baked potato and I only got half way through and new I had eaten to much felt really full and had wind so I now no my limitations .
I made cauliflower curry and squished it with a masher, I liked chilli con carne, spaghetti bolognese sauce, stew. I have found I am mega low on iron, I don't eat a lot of red meat and never have done, I just love chicken. So I am taking a supplement now as I am always shattered and keep getting headaches, started today see if that helps. I have my first fill on Monday. Eek. But hope that gives me the restriction you are feeling as I can easily eat a jacket potato and bits and pieces.
Hi Lola iv got stew today so that will make a change.
Have not lost any weight this week I think because starting to eat more hoping when my body gets used having regular meals again it will start coming off again.
Hi mimi, we are having stew too. With nine types of veg in it!! I was over the moon with my weight loss this week then somehow four pound went back on overnight!! Boo hiss!!! X
Oh no.hope it comes back off quick.
I do think that because were eating different foods every couple of week are bodies dont no what's going on so they store everything.
No weight loss this week.I have upped my calories and eating more solid food .I'm on about 1000 a day ill give it till wed then if I haven't lost any I will go up a bit and do more exercise but i don't think you loss on a regular basis until you've had a few fills and you feel restriction .
They said to me that everyone is different and that some people put on weight just after surgery or the few weeks after or stay the same because of swelling from the op and the body holding onto calories as it thinks we are trying to starve it. I swear I better have lost next week though, walked for miles and miles every day the last few days. My poor feet are killing! X
Me to we walked miles in London but didn't make any difference
My OH has brought a rowing machine and a recumbent bike so with the treadmill we have quiet the gym in the garage should be super fit by Christmas.
Iv up my calories to about 1100 eachday and more exercise but I still have not lost any more weight very fed up.
Why not review your food n drink? How much are you drinking? What's your carb and protein intake like? It's not just about calories x
At the moment I'm on sloppies.I drink 1 1/2 to 2lts of water a day and eat 3/4 small meals.trying to calculate carbs and protein is difficult because I wizz things like stew, spag bol and add a bit of mash.iv also been having fish pie a lot as don't no what else to do.