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Anyone watching holby city bbc 1 18 feb?

I've watched this tonight with my partner. and I have to admit, this was my fear - to lose my mobility. I couldn't lose the weight, never lost more than a stone and a half. So I do feel for him. And it could have been me.

iv gone in the space of year from a size 20 to a size 30 that can barely walk now and its my fear totally of being stuck in im not loosing anything at mo because the less active the harder it is so totally related to your post x
You're so right Kirsty, it's not what other people think think matters. I've always done the right thing for others, put others needs before my own, never stood up for myself really and I think that May be why I'm an over eater. I always feel so bad about myself yet food is my enemy as much as my comforter. Blimey, arm chair psychology or what??? Lol.

I think it's about time I "grow a pair" and not be ashamed. Because really, I suppose it's a brave move and not a cop out. No! NO suppose, it IS a brave move. I am brave and I will be fabulous and proud! Yay! Go me! (She says eyeing the bread bin!!!) X
You're so right Kirsty, it's not what other people think think matters. I've always done the right thing for others, put others needs before my own, never stood up for myself really and I think that May be why I'm an over eater. I always feel so bad about myself yet food is my enemy as much as my comforter. Blimey, arm chair psychology or what??? Lol. I think it's about time I "grow a pair" and not be ashamed. Because really, I suppose it's a brave move and not a cop out. No! NO suppose, it IS a brave move. I am brave and I will be fabulous and proud! Yay! Go me! (She says eyeing the bread bin!!!) X

I never stood up for myself either, my younger sister used to fight all my battles for me when anyone said anything about my weight. I was uncomfortable about my weight up until I was about 22, now I'm comfortable but need to lose weight got my health. My bmi is close to 60, I have chronic back pain, and suffer with depression and want to reduce all the other health risk I have. I want to do it for me.

It is a very brave decision, one of the biggest of your life :)

I was him. I'm might have been 44 stone lighter but I couldn't walk. I couldn't wash myself or take care of my toilet needs. I barely left the house and my mum had to take care of me. I was in constant pain emotionally and physically. If I hadn't my surgery I could have been one of those people when they have to take out your wall and use a crane to get you out of the house. Whether you are 50lb over weight or 500lb we all could be there and the people who feed us are in a terrible situation. My mum use to get my food, a lot of it and I dread to think how I would behave if she had said no. It's shameful to admit but like it's been said it was an eating disorder. If you force fed an anorexic they would fight like mad for it not to happen and if you force someone addicted to food to diet when they aren't ready they will fight like mad to get what they want.

I hope this man is as lucky as me :)
Thank you Kirsty.

I know it's easy to say, and I am one of the worst! But try not to be depressed. It's a vicious circle I know, but you're not alone. My BMI is 31 and I've felt suicidal at times which is crazy as I have an amazing life, apart from this one thing. It's a constant shadow hanging over me. I hope you get to your happy place soon love. Be strong and know you're not alone. X
Im very sad for this man..but I also feel cross at his carers...
He is unable to walk so they are the one's feeding this poor guy:sigh:
Why cant they see they were killing him not loving him..makes me sad and angry
Glad I didn't see this edition:sigh:

All the weight I had put on and I was big 24.7pounds at the start of my journey, I always walked each day and I did try numerous diets,
The thing I was most afraid of was a family member having to do things like wash me or wipe my bottom, I could not allow that to happen ..hence the band at the age of 61 :(
a very sad state of affairs
Im very sad for this man..but I also feel cross at his carers...
He is unable to walk so they are the one's feeding this poor guy:sigh:
Why cant they see they were killing him not loving him..makes me sad and angry
Glad I didn't see this edition:sigh:

All the weight I had put on and I was big 24.7pounds at the start of my journey, I always walked each day and I did try numerous diets,
The thing I was most afraid of was a family member having to do things like wash me or wipe my bottom, I could not allow that to happen ..hence the band at the age of 61 :(
a very sad state of affairs
I find your response so judgemental Minn. Sorry if this offends, but the blame game does not belong in a forum where all our lives we've had people pointing at us and telling us its our fault.

It's not. No more than its an addicts fault that they are addicted, or a schizophrenics fault he is hearing voices. We are damaged people to some degree or other.And we are forcefed this blame and shame game. Its just the way we are, and kudos to him for being so far down that road and deciding to try and fix his broken self. And kudos to his carers for being there for him, through the bad and the good. Tough love never works when you're already tougher on yourself than anyone else could be.
I was him. I'm might have been 44 stone lighter but I couldn't walk. I couldn't wash myself or take care of my toilet needs. I barely left the house and my mum had to take care of me. I was in constant pain emotionally and physically. If I hadn't my surgery I could have been one of those people when they have to take out your wall and use a crane to get you out of the house. Whether you are 50lb over weight or 500lb we all could be there and the people who feed us are in a terrible situation. My mum use to get my food, a lot of it and I dread to think how I would behave if she had said no. It's shameful to admit but like it's been said it was an eating disorder. If you force fed an anorexic they would fight like mad for it not to happen and if you force someone addicted to food to diet when they aren't ready they will fight like mad to get what they want.

I hope this man is as lucky as me :)
Frankly Shelley I have nothing but love for you - that took so much courage to say. And I don't for the life of me know how I was still holding down a demanding full time job at 30 stone - it boggles me even now. I consider myself supremely lucky.
I find your response so judgemental Minn. Sorry if this offends, but the blame game does not belong in a forum where all our lives we've had people pointing at us and telling us its our fault.

It's not. No more than its an addicts fault that they are addicted, or a schizophrenics fault he is hearing voices. We are damaged people to some degree or other.And we are forcefed this blame and shame game. Its just the way we are, and kudos to him for being so far down that road and deciding to try and fix his broken self. And kudos to his carers for being there for him, through the bad and the good. Tough love never works when you're already tougher on yourself than anyone else could be.

Oh Come on Yvessa..its was my opinion not at all judgmental...
I have the right as a large woman to pass an opinion it was heartfelt..and not at all judgemental

You gave your opinion I gave mine:sigh:
I too am very large plus I have had two hip replacements and had spinal surgery I know what weight can do to the mind and the body
I also believe some people are overweight purely because we eat too much and don't burn enough off..
Were not all deemed as ill..I think your opinion was very biased..and Yes you did offend me as all I was trying to do is give another perspective :(
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I think saying that the carers could stop this person is like saying that tipping an alcoholics beer down the sink or flushing a drug addicts heroin down the loo will "cure" them, the man himself admitted he ordered food via the internet, I do hope he manages to lose his weight and to start living :)
Thank you Kirsty. I know it's easy to say, and I am one of the worst! But try not to be depressed. It's a vicious circle I know, but you're not alone. My BMI is 31 and I've felt suicidal at times which is crazy as I have an amazing life, apart from this one thing. It's a constant shadow hanging over me. I hope you get to your happy place soon love. Be strong and know you're not alone. X

I'm lucky have a fab family that are so helpful when I need them. I have loads if places to go when I need some one :) xx

I'm lucky have a fab family that are so helpful when I need them. I have loads if places to go when I need some one :) xx Kirsty

That's good. You're very blessed. I have no support at all and can't even mention it to my husband now without a sulk setting in! Having a good support network makes all the difference. Best of luck sweetheart. X
The man seemed so brave and opened his heart to the world I so hope he gets where he needs to be for his own happiness, very moving as many of us could easily have gone down his path, I could have done I know.
c5 i lost weight but lost my husband

it`s about to start my question is.....judging by the title .....is it a bad thing?!
im watching it, for some of them im thinking its no great loss, a couple of the storys its just sad that it came to that
If you love someone its not the body you love its the person..:rolleyes:

I have been married 36 years and my husband has never once called me fat or anything nasty, he is a tall normal sized guy and keeps fit

When I asked him do you love me although Im fat, he answer was simply..
I have and will always love YOU

I chose good didn't I :)
aww thats so sweet my husband is the same, even at my heaviest at 28 stone 9 he still was in love with me now im 8 stone lighter i think hes in love with me more cause i like myself now