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SunnyJ band 25th October 2015

I've been told to not even start vitamins until I have my 8 week post-op follow-up with the consultant. I'll be interested to see what they recommend. I took a look at the HW ones for bypass patients and copied out the content list for their multi-vitamin and calcium and it looks to me like you could get the same range elsewhere for cheaper e.g: Healthspan - 120 Iron Bisglycine £5.95 Healthspan - 180 Multivitality Gold (contains all 8 B vits + all the same minerals) - £8.95 Amazon - Calcium Citrate - 90 tablets - £7.50 Taking 2 of each a day (which seems to be what HW recommend) would come to less than £11.20 a month against the £33.99 HW are charging. So personally I would copy out HW's content list accurately and shop around.
Are the dosages & the forms of vitamins the same? The hw ones use easily absorbed ingredients & when necessary ones that will release in the intestines & not the stomach. It's not as simple as copying an ingredient list.
If I'd had a bypass there's no way is not take vitamins for 8 weeks! Malabsorption + restricted diet = recipe for disaster! I wonder how many people with hair loss issues could have been prevented?
Are the dosages & the forms of vitamins the same? The hw ones use easily absorbed ingredients & when necessary ones that will release in the intestines & not the stomach. It's not as simple as copying an ingredient list.
If I'd had a bypass there's no way is not take vitamins for 8 weeks! Malabsorption + restricted diet = recipe for disaster! I wonder how many people with hair loss issues could have been prevented?

The differentiator HW say their vitamins have is:

  • calcium citrate instead of the standard calcium carbonate
  • Iron Bisglycinate instead of the standard Iron ferrus sulphate
  • All 8 of the B vits
The ones I linked to (and others out there that cropped up on Google) can also supply the above and the rest of the minerals and trace elements HW say theirs have. That is what I was searching for so, yes, they do have the same form of vitamins.

The only real benefit I can see from HW is that it's conveniently bought from one place and in 2 pills so it's whether that difference is worth an extra £20 or so a month. I guess to some it will be, to some it won't - personally, for an extra £20 a month I'd also want trace elements of unicorn tears
That's what I was thinking too sundown... Mind you the benefits of unicorn tears may well be underrated! ;-)

I think like everything it's personal choice like our choice of surgery and surgeon was/ is. I chose what I perceived as quality over cost for my surgery (which ultimately cost me a lot more) but I will shop around for vitamins, I may end up choosing the same but as I work in healthcare and maybe have a different view I may go with another option... And that choice will be weighed up against quality V cost... Cost being important here.

Glad to hear you get on with the HW vitamins though. It's always nice to hear positive reviews :)
So today is official weigh day ..., I'm going to once a week now! I've lost over a stone since pre op and...... I'm in a stone lower bracket!!! Only by a pound but hey it's there! Well I am depending on where I put the scales on the floor!

So well on the way to loosing the stone and half I'd put on over summer :)

So going to log that today. Need to get in touch with jawbone my up is playing up again. Might have to get another one! It was great when it worked but it just keeps stopping working. So I adding that to today's list ...

Plus trip to gp - I'll get her to check my bp whilst I'm there and hopefully find out from anything back from cardiologist about my post op ecg, and check my wound - which is finding think just a bit itchy !! But then that's normal healing.

Popping up to farm to get some lovely cheap organic veg .. To make a stew to whizz up. Nom nom. I've eaten all the one my mum made me out of the freezer. Strange though how mine never taste as good as mums ... Even if I copy exactly what she does! Lol x

I may even light the fire today ... I'm being thrifty with the heating at the mo... Lol I now have a gastric band to pay for ;-)

Wishing you all a fab day :)
Sorry to butt in but on the vitamin front I'm with Mr Byrne also and on his pre operation diet it suggests taking a-z vitamins either from Superdrug, tesco or the main brand leader. I've been on pre op since officially Tuesday so been taken them since then. I'm very confused now so going to call Dietitian for clarification
Just buy the best ones you can afford. You need vits & minerals. Don't take 2 a day of one a day vitamins, too much vit a for example is very bad for you. The supermarket brands are cheap for s reason!
Sorry to butt in but on the vitamin front I'm with Mr Byrne also and on his pre operation diet it suggests taking a-z vitamins either from Superdrug, tesco or the main brand leader. I've been on pre op since officially Tuesday so been taken them since then. I'm very confused now so going to call Dietitian for clarification

Beep Beep - pre-op is different from post-op. If you're post-op and particularly if you have had a procedure that involves malabsorption like a bypass, the provider will advise a vitamin and mineral regime. You don't need to panic pre-op.
Phew, just got response as well. I take them in liver shrinkage then last one day before until I'm back on solids
Well I've solved my vitamins... Floradix for me. :)

Don't worry beep beep just listen to your provider :)

So today is official weigh day ..., I'm going to once a week now! I've lost over a stone since pre op and...... I'm in a stone lower bracket!!! Only by a pound but hey it's there! Well I am depending on where I put the scales on the floor!

So well on the way to loosing the stone and half I'd put on over summer :)

So going to log that today. Need to get in touch with jawbone my up is playing up again. Might have to get another one! It was great when it worked but it just keeps stopping working. So I adding that to today's list ...

Plus trip to gp - I'll get her to check my bp whilst I'm there and hopefully find out from anything back from cardiologist about my post op ecg, and check my wound - which is finding think just a bit itchy !! But then that's normal healing.

Popping up to farm to get some lovely cheap organic veg .. To make a stew to whizz up. Nom nom. I've eaten all the one my mum made me out of the freezer. Strange though how mine never taste as good as mums ... Even if I copy exactly what she does! Lol x

I may even light the fire today ... I'm being thrifty with the heating at the mo... Lol I now have a gastric band to pay for ;-)

Wishing you all a fab day :)

WTG on fab loss to date ....new stone bracket is always welcome to see :)
Ohhh you may have to stoke the old fire as you go further down the scales.....its chilly being thin LOL :8855:
Thanks crystal .. I best get some jumpers bought!! Lol x
Omg I'm so miserable today :-( I feel so lonely and old like my life has passed me by.

So I'm not so sunny today :-(

Hope everyone else having a good day. X

On a good note though I can get in the bath without sticking to the edges!! ;-)

Omg I'm so miserable today :-( I feel so lonely and old like my life has passed me by.

So I'm not so sunny today :-(

Hope everyone else having a good day. X

On a good note though I can get in the bath without sticking to the edges!! ;-)


Sunny - it's probably post-op blues. We're undergoing all sort of changes and that includes emotional now and then.

The only time life has passed you by is the moment that you breathe your last. Up to that point you have life to live in any way you wish; don't waste it on the past that you can't change, concentrate on the future and things you want in your life that you felt your weight stopped you from.

Other than that - have a cup of hot milk, curl up and watch a feel-good movie and it'll pass :)
Thanks sundown you're probably right. X

Wise words :)
You have not let life pass by. You have done this to extend your life and ensure that you are not going to be the one sat on the perimeter watching everyone your going to be in the centre with them all having fun. Hope that makes sense. Sending much love x
Thanks beep you're right ... I'm just having a down day today. I'm not that great in winter and I can't just eat food when I'm down anymore!!

I've dug my sun lamp out though so time to put that on during the day , I've also found my yoga dvd so when I pluck up the courage I'm gonna give that a go. It's been a few years since I've done that :) X

Hope everything go well for you :)
So woke up this morning - after my children .... After my children!! I obviously needed some sleep lol

So not sure what to do today. I might take my dog for a walk somewhere nice, I might just rest all day. I'm not sure about eating today I think I ate too much yesterday and my tummy feels sore.

Decided to wait for a few weeks before starting yoga incase I pull anything etc..

Hope everyone has a fab day x
Its horrid up here, so I think a day on the couch is in order. Will start going back to the gym tomorrow. Taking it easy, maybe just do a bit on the crosstrainer and the treadmill and possibly the bike. I need to get my backside in gear lol. have a great day!
Hope you had a nice relax day Mrs b...

I have had a lovely day with the kids :)

Feel like I've eaten loads though but I've had

A coffee for breakfast

Mashed veg n cheese small bowl for lunch

Cup of soup - snack (132 Cals thin soup)

Veg n gravy mashed for tea with a bit of cheese (small bowl)

Cup of turmeric milk ( think hot chocolate but turmeric instead ... Fab stuff)

Cup of tea n a few sips of water

I feel like I've eaten a horse ... So full...

When I think what I used to eat OMG that would've been my snack list followed by 3 big proper meals!

Trying really hard not to get on the scales until Friday ..., I shouldn't weigh everyday but I'm so tempted.

Still not feeling the exercise though ... I'm still tired, but I've moved my sun lamp downstairs and hoping that will help get me up and running again :) and got my vits ordered, can't wait until the arrive :)
When were you told you were allowed to exercise? My bumph from the bypass says 'no gym' until I've had my 8 week check-up. I've been (mostly) doing 10,000 steps a day - but there's been a few days where it's been howling gales and tipping down that I've come in around the 6-7,000 mark.