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A band for me x

Day 6 post op

I have been brave and taken the plasters off. Sorry if you are a bit squeamish x seem to be healing well. Might cover the large one later. I bought some fast healing plasters from boots. I have covered the top one again as it rubs against my bra x

Excuse the belly x


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Yours look like they are healing better than mine Tracey, my scars are all kind of in a straightish line x
Mine are kind of lumps, not quite sure how they are lumps but I'll leave them to heal.

Are yours healing ok though
Yeah they are healing fine and to be honest im not really bothered if I have scars ill never get my belly out. Did you watch the Tina Malone programme last night. My new body? x
Yeah I watched it. She had to have a defil before she had her surgery and it was scary how quickly she could put the weight back on without her fill x
Ive read somewhere that they do devil your band if your pregnant.

Girls what channel was it on?!

Do u know what it's called so I can search for it?! Xx
It was on TLC, they didn't say if she had to have a defil for pregnancy. I asked about this at my consultation and she told me when I find out im pregnant just make a note of what im eating and show the doctor and if he thinks its enough then I wont need a defil unless I have severe morning sickness but I have read elsewere that you should have defil when pregnant. The programme was mainly about her boob job, tummy tuck, face lifts n arms more than the band really but was interesting. It was quite scary looking at all her loose skin though, her stomach was really bad :/ x
Have had a bit of a miserable day today. Think I have pushed it a bit too quickly. Kept forgetting to sip and so kept getting pains in my chest from I'm guessing being to full. Could not really get comfortable at work and felt a bit spaced out to be honest. Back aching and shoulders from sitting at desk.

Came home and had a bit of a cry when saw the state of the house. Made the girls tea and now I'm resting. I think I am struggling with not physically being able to eat anything but liquids. I know it's for my own good and I need to learn to eat better but I made the girls a nice healthy stir fry and would have loved some of it.

Sorry for the negative rant but I have done pretty well to get to day six with no moaning lol xx
Aww Tracey sending big hugs I feel your pain having to do the kids tea it's driving me mad, put your feet up this weekend sod the housework they won't come and arrested you if it's not done xx
Thank you hon x x don't get me wrong I am no domestic goddess but even by my standards my place is a tip.

I'll just put the blinkers on this weekend

Ahh honey I get it, but you are really early on your journey and you have gone back to work so quickly, be easy on yourself, the dust may be a bit thicker next time you dust but it will be ship shape again soon. Plus as you say, the lack of food therefore energy makes everything massive at the moment. Just rest and it will all come into place soon xxx