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A band for me x

Sending a virtual hug sweetness :) as others have said, just get plenty of rest...the housework will still be there waiting when your ready..... its really early to be back to work and running the household....especially on so little intake..... your energy levels are low, your also be suffering a bit with post op blues....remember you've had major surgery..... take it easy and be gentle on yourself x x x I was 8 weeks post op before I felt back to normal, just don't over do things x x x
It was on TLC, they didn't say if she had to have a defil for pregnancy. I asked about this at my consultation and she told me when I find out im pregnant just make a note of what im eating and show the doctor and if he thinks its enough then I wont need a defil unless I have severe morning sickness but I have read elsewere that you should have defil when pregnant. The programme was mainly about her boob job, tummy tuck, face lifts n arms more than the band really but was interesting. It was quite scary looking at all her loose skin though, her stomach was really bad :/ x

Hi Lalole Tina Malone is on again tonight on TLC channel at 11pm in case anyone didn't get a chance to see it xxx
She lost 11 stone very quickly, I think it's better to lose more slowly, also, she hadn't learned to adjust her eating habits as she gained weight when she had the defill. I thought she looked awful at the end!

My skin isn't saggy but I do go the gym most days and do a class.

Good luck for Monday, it won't be as bad as you think and you will be on the losers bench with us all! X
Definitely not. When my surgeon was going through the list of risks on the day of my op he said loose skin we will skip that, your too young for it, you wont get it but I'm not so sure I've seen young people with loose skin buy I suppose it better than the flab x
I have not really thought about loose skin to be honest. I know I will never have a flat stomach as I have had two kids and even after my first and I got down to my lowest weight I never had a flat stomach. I could live with that though.x

I want to start using a moisturiser but I can't work out if it's best to use a firming cream like Nivea Q10 or a softer oil like bio oil. Can't work out if im meant to tighten skin or make it softer as it shrinks. Both kind of make sense ?!?!

Want do you guys think or plan to use x
To be honest Tracey iv never been into all these fancy potions I just always use body butter from the body shop,on my face I just use a day cream from aldi nothing fancy xx
I don't normally use a anything. I am really rubbish, Johnsons face wipes as I am wandering around the house and that's it, or I buy fancy creams use then for a day then forget. Just wondering if it's worth starting something now on my skin. Although give it a week and I will forget to use it
I've used anti wrinkle cream on my face since I was 18 I use the aldi one too as I read loads of great reviews about it n was rated better than the expensive ones but I am quite lazy about moisturizing my body maybe because there's so much of it haha. I might start using the anti wrinkle cream on my stomach haha x
I am on day 7 now and the only pain I feel
Is a tight pulling where I can only guess my port is. It's the only thing I can still feel which is still making it hard to move about normally. Is this normal? I am just a bit worried I pushed it too much this week and have twisted the position or something.

Any advice would be great x
Its easy to think all's ok when we see our wounds healing nicely but you have to remember there is a lot of healing internally needed too.....just take it very easy, you've had major surgery mrs......rest up and let the healing happen :) don't push it until your body is ready x x x x
Thanks Crystal. I think I just thought my body would just bounce back. Never having had surgery before I just didn't know what to expect. I am taking it slower now. Thank you for the kind words x
I was exactly the same..... head thought it was a simple procedure but either way you look at it you've had surgery.... your body is running low too with little in take right now.... I was 8 weeks before I felt anywhere near normal....everyone bounces back in different times, but listen to your body and remember what going on insides too :) huge hugs x x x x be gentle on yourself too as its quite common to get post op blues x x x
I have been starting to feel a bit down the last few days to be honest. I think it's just not being able to do what I want and getting a bit frustrated. And wanting to eat something different. I'm taking each day as it comes though and pleased as each day passes. I hope it doesn't take me 8 weeks. X I do still feel a bit spaced out and kind of in a dream world a bit but I think it's just cos I am not in my normal routine at the moment. I can't even be bothered at work. My kind is completely somewhere else. I am hoping that it will get better though x x

It's good to hear from someone who has come out of it the other side z